Thursday, April 3, 2014

Got my first NatureBox! (overview)

Nice to see you again, internet. It’s been so long.

Well, today I got my first NatureBox. As always: I was thrilled. 

I knew that NatureBox was going to take a while to show up, being that they ship from California, but they included a tracking number (when they emailed me to tell me it was shipped – so thoughtful) so I could track where my package was at any given time. Did this lead to me obsessively checking the tracking code every day? ….Yes. But was it worth it? Totally! I got my box about a day after I was expecting it (one full week after the shipment notification), but I attribute that to the small town and the campus package room.

If you’re wondering why I wanted NatureBox, and why it’s a great option for me, I’ll just repeat what I said in my last health-food-box overview (feel free to skip ahead):

You see; as a college student on a tiny campus in the middle of nowhere, I’m not exactly spoiled for choice when it comes to healthy snacks. While I may be able to do three square meals a day, the food at the dining hall is lacking in variety and slacking in well-rounded nutrition. Breakfast means eggs, bacon, sausage – even the variety of fruit is severely lacking! And lunch and dinner are so oil-drenched or sodium-packed that I usually just choose one – and, often, it’s lunch.

Okay, so a late lunch - that works - but what happens when dinner rolls around? To be honest, I’m rarely hungry. My hunger usually sets in around 8 or 9pm, when I’m hanging out in my dorm. And what’s right there, beckoning to me with its delicious, non-nutritious goodness? That would be the vending machines, packed full of chips and candy.

I need something that doesn’t make me feel like a fat slob!

And now we have NatureBox.

NatureBox is a $19.95/month ($10 off with this link) subscription box designed to deliver a month’s supply (5 bags) of healthy snack foods right to your door. The company’s goal is to help cut down the crap that most people take in under the guise of “snacking” – apparently, nearly 25% of your total caloric intake.

….Do you see how this applies to me?? This is the exact problem I’m having! I feel you, NatureBox, I really do. But – again – I’m a teensy bit of a picky eater (mixed nuts? nope), so I wanted to make sure I could get stuff I like, and not the things I don’t.

Now, I have already waxed poetic about Graze’s sorting system (trash, try, like, and love). NatureBox, unfortunately, does not offer these same features.

That isn’t to say that you can’t customize your boxes! In fact, you totally can. You’re able to choose the five specific snacks you’d like to receive. You can search the snacks by taste (savory, sweet, or salty) as well as searching for vegan, soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-conscious, non-GMO, and nut-free items – although all products are processed/packaged in a facility that handles all of those things. You cannot, however, get a surprise-filled box that adheres to these dietary restrictions. And in my case, with my distaste for nuts, that means no surprises for me. Not thrilled about that bit.

But, unlike Graze, NatureBox includes descriptions of their snacks on the site, including the taste profile (three previously mentioned, but I’ve also seen tart as an option), and low sodium labels. **However there are snack labels on Graze that I forgot to mention, and I’ll be editing the Graze overview to reflect this. There are not full descriptions, though.

To choose my snacks, I tried searching for just savory and sweet items (I’m not big on spice) and I selected Sourdough Cheddar Pretzels, Honey Mustard Dippin’ Stix, Lemon Tea Biscuits, Santa Fe Corn Stix, and Honey Macadamia Pretzel Pops.

….But then I watched some unboxing videos. And I saw the Lemon Pucker Pistachios. I rationalized that, hey – I was getting this box for $10 instead of $19.95 (find that deal here) – so I figured I could add on one more bag for the additional price of $3. Especially because NatureBox donates both money and snacks to WhyHunger, a charitable organization that aids community growth centered around nutrition, hunger, and poverty.

Oh, and today – I got my box!

First impressions were exactly what I was expecting – better, even! NatureBox is in the midst of redesigning their packaging, so I ended up with some different-looking bags within the same box, but all of them looked perfect – the new bags are actually slightly larger than the old ones, which made me feel like I was getting more bang for my buck. Or more bag, at least. (Sorry; puns.)

The box included an inventoried list of the items inside, and a couple of different cards about the company and the redesign. Fun little tidbit: the NatureBox flyer included notes in the corner about all the resources saved by using recycled fiber, post-consumer waste, and renewable energy certificates. It definitely felt like a positive eco-friendly company.

So, how were the products?

Nearly every one of them was delicious! Some weren't quite what I was expecting, and others I grew to like, but some were delicious on the first bite! Reviews will be showing up as I write them, linked below.

-        -  Sourdough Cheddar Pretzels
-        -  Honey Mustard Dippin’ Stix
-        -  Lemon Tea Biscuits
-        -  Santa Fe Corn Stix
-        -  Honey Macadamia Pretzel Pops
-        -  Add on! Lemon Pucker Pistachios

Final verdict: another solid A. Definitely keeping this subscription going, and I'm excited to try some of their other snacks! 

'Til the next box!

PS: NatureBox is a $19.95/month snack subscription. Interested in trying it? Use this link to get $10 off your first box!

New Box!

Got the email from the delivery office this morning! What'll it be??

Stay tuned!

'Til the next box!

*UPDATE* It's my first NatureBox! (hint: click the link for $10 off your first box!)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First Graze Box! Overview

 Oh hello, internet. I didn’t see you there.


I just figured I should launch in and talk about the very first box (Julep Maven excluded) I received as part of my new addiction: Graze.

I was so freakin’ happy, you have no idea.

You see; as a college student on a tiny campus in the middle of nowhere, I’m not exactly spoiled for choice when it comes to healthy snacks. While I may be able to do three square meals a day, the food at the dining hall is lacking in variety and slacking in well-rounded nutrition. Breakfast means eggs, bacon, sausage – even the variety of fruit is severely lacking! And lunch and dinner are so oil-drenched or sodium-packed that I usually just choose one – and, often, it’s lunch.

Okay, so a late lunch - that works - but what happens when dinner rolls around? To be honest, I’m rarely hungry. My hunger usually sets in around 8 or 9pm, when I’m hanging out in my dorm. And what’s right there, beckoning to me with it’s delicious, non-nutritious goodness? That would be the vending machines, packed full of chips and candy.

I need something that doesn’t make me feel like a fat slob!

And that’s where Graze comes in.

When I first heard of Graze, I was intrigued and delighted (1st and 5th boxes FREE? [follow the link!] $6/box otherwise?? Every week, two weeks, or month for delivery???). I signed up right away.

My love only continued when I discovered the great scoring system Graze has for semi-customizing boxes. Each snack they offer, from “the big cheese” (cheese croutons, cheese cashews, and salsa corn sticks) to “twist of black pepper popcorn” (exactly what is sounds like, in a snack-sized microwaveable packet), has four buttons: trash, try, like, and love. Not a fan of pecans? Trash the mixes with them. Newly addicted to the “apple & cinnamon flapjack”? Like or love it! Intrigued by the “salt and vinegar nut selection”? Keep it set on try.

Before I ever received a box, I went through the whole list of snacks and trashed all the things I found unappealing (sorry, nut mixes! – oh, wait, pistachios, you guys can stay) and liked the things I found especially appealing (oh, yep, here it comes: a-peel-ing!) like YUM “toffee apple” dippers.

Trashed items are banned from your box - and the items are sorted into some convenient dietary restriction groups, too, meaning vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free customers can find the non-vegan, non-celiac, and dairy/milk items and trash them all in one fell swoop. Items marked as try are possible options to end up in your box, while liked items are marked to “send occasionally” and loved items to “send regularly.”

Now, where were we? Oh right: my first box!

I went into Graze with no expectations in terms of delivery time, and that was a good thing, because it took a while. Supposedly, my box was meant for the week of March 23rd, and was “being prepared” around March 17th, but it didn’t arrive until the 26th (some of this can probably be blamed on how tiny this city is, it seems like a lot of my boxes take forever to get here). And while, okay, I don’t actually know the precise date of shipping, it’s kind of irritating that it takes more than a week. Then again, they ship from… 

Now wait just a gosh darn second! The sticker on this box says Jersey City! I was about to say they ship from the UK, since that’s where the company started. But Jersey City? That’s not so far away to justify 9 day shipping! Aw man, Graze, why did you do this to me? ….But, on the bright side, now I know when to expect my packages, and I can just reset my standards for a Wednesday delivery. Problem solved!

So Wednesday afternoon I pick up my box from the package office, and it’s a bit smaller than I was expecting (perspective is a liar, keep that in mind when watching unboxing videos; these portions are on the adorably small side). But – wow – those snacks inside looked great! “Key lime pie,” “pina colada,” “bonnie wee oatbakes,” and “lightly toasted pistachios”: they all sounded so very appealing (no more puns, I promise).

How were they?

Well, for the extended reviews, check out these pages (linked as I write them):
- Bonnie Wee Oatbakes from Graze
- Lightly Toasted Pistachios from Graze

Final verdict: Solid A.  

Totally keeping this subscription. In fact, I switched from bi-weekly to weekly, because these snacks went FAST! Will one box even last a whole week here, where I look for a healthy alternative nearly every night, and sometimes during the day? ….Probably not. The first one didn’t even last 36 hours. But I can’t blame the box for that: I was hungry, and it was delicious.

‘Til the next box!

PS: Graze is a $6/box snack subscription. Interested in trying it? Use this link to get your first and fifth boxes free! Tallying it up to 4 boxes a month, that makes each of your first two months $18 – cheaper than a lot of other monthly snack boxes!

*EDIT* I forgot to mention a couple other things about Graze. First, on their website, there are healthy benefit buttons featured on each snack, as labeled by their (very personable) nutritionist, Jess. Every snack has at least one, and they include stamps for "1 serving of fruit," "graze light (100-150 calories)," "whole oats," "source of protein," "only 90 calories," "vitamins & minerals," "fiber," and "nutritionist pick." (Pretty spiffy labeling system, if I do say so myself.) 
The second thing I neglected to mention was their optional donation project in Uganda called the Graze School of Farming. If you refer a friend, you can choose to take $1 off your next box or donate it to the charity, which helps locals in deprived rural Uganda start their own orchards. Definitely a worthy cause, and one I intend to contribute to.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Suggestion Box! (not a real subscription box, sorry)

So, I'm always open to suggestions and recommendations: Do you have any boxes you think I should check out? Anything you really want to know more about?

Leave a comment or question and I'll get to it ASAP!

'Til the next box!

So... I guess I should explain...

My first few reviews (over on BoxxyGirl Reviews) will be for boxes I've already received, or - in the case of the majestic Julep Maven box - have been receiving for some time.

So expect to see sub-par quality photos of March's Birchbox, my first Unmentionably Cheeky bag (not on - pervs), and my first Graze- ....oh wait, I ate that one. Well, reviews will still happen! Stay tuned!

'Til the next box!

Welcome to BoxxyGirl!

Well hello there!

My name is -- well, I go by a lot of names, so let's go with - jazz hands, guys - BoxxyGirl

Why BoxxyGirl? Well, I have a small problem. A problem shared by many out there in the internet. 

That problem is subscription boxes.

I know, I know, it's not really a problem - in fact, I kind of love it - but it's a slight obsession. I mean, all the mystery! The suspense! The joy of receiving a package! Who wouldn't love it?

Well, in any case, after discovering the addictive phenomena that is the unboxing video (and realizing that I can't really do that, living in a dorm with paper thin walls) I decided I should start a blog for it. I'm good at writing reviews (I think) and I want to remember all the fun of opening every new box. Not to mention, I want to keep track of products I might want to buy in the future! ...If I can afford them, once I've paid for my subscriptions.

What do you think? Is this doable, or am I setting myself up for massive failure? Yikes! Maybe I should've thought this through!

'Til the next box!
